Household Biogas Plants in Rural Madhya Pradesh, India

The project involves bundling household biogas plants located in rural areas of Madhya Pradesh, a state in India. By replacing the commonly used inefficient wood-fired mud-stove technology with clean, sustainable, and efficient biogas, the project is contributing towards sustainable development in the region.

How it works

There are 14,918 biogas plants in the project. Each household utilizes cattle dung to feed the digester which produces biogas for cooking and heating water. This leads to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by displacing conventionally used non-renewable biomass, such as wood, with renewable biogas. In addition, the hygienic conditions in the rural areas are improved by the appropriate disposal of waste. Moreover, residue from the biomass digesters can be used as organic fertilizer and will ultimately improve soil fertility in rural areas.

Offsets Made it Happen

Without funds from carbon offsets, households would have continued using inefficient firewood leading to an increase in fire hazards, as well as degradation of land from changes in land use, reduction in forest land cover, and illegal exploitation of forest resources and desertification.

Other Benefits of the Project


The project promotes forest conservation by reducing the need for firewood. Burning wood emits greenhouse gases and particulate matter – so the project also helps in this regard.


The project improves indoor air quality, thereby improving the health of family members, mostly women and children (who spend more time indoors) who were previously inhaling smoke and particulate matter.


The project provides affordable and clean fuel compared to the baseline scenario.

Project at Glance

Project Type :

Biogas - Heat

Standard :

Location :

Madhya Pradesh, India

Estimated Annual Emission Reductions :

53,716 tonnes of CO2e

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