Wind Energy Project in Tamil Nadu, India

Carbon offset funds enabled the installation of wind turbines in Tamil Nadu, India. This project contributes clean, renewable energy to power the local grid that is predominantly powered by fossil fuels.

How it works

This project involves the implementation of an 8.5 MW capacity wind power project which consists of 13 Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) near villages in Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli and Coimbatore, in Tamil Nadu. The project converts wind energy to electrical energy. Power generated by the wind turbines will be both exported to the grid and captured for storage. Since power generated by wind energy is considered carbon neutral and the reliance on power dominated by fossil fuels will be significantly reduced, this project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG’s) emitted into the atmosphere.

Offsets Made it Happen

Without funds from carbon offsets, the financial return on wind farms would not be feasible. With offset funding, the return was such that a significant number of turbines could be installed in the project area.

Other Benefits of the Project

Besides the reduction in GHG’s due to the wind power project, this implementation will also contribute to poverty alleviation in the project area, by employing local villagers during the construction and operation phases of the wind power plant. The nature of the wind power project also contributes towards emissions reductions of other harmful pollutants such as SOx, NOx and other particulate matters, thus bettering the health of local populations.

Project at Glance

Project Type :

Energy Industries (Renewable/Non-renewable Sources)

Location :

Tamil Nadu, India

Estimated Annual Emission Reductions :


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