Ningxia Solar PV Power Generation Project

Carbon offset funds enabled the construction of a solar PV power plant with zero emissions. The project will achieve greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions by displacing power generation from fossil fuel-fired power plants connected to the Northwest China Power Grid (NWPG), under the baseline scenario.

How it works

The total installed capacity of the project is a 40-megawatt peak. It is estimated that the feed-in electricity from the project is approximately 56,330 megawatt-hours per year. The electricity generated by the project is first sent to the newly built substation at the project site and then delivered to the Northwest China Power Grid (NWPG). The installation stimulates the growth of the solar photovoltaic power industry and encourages the progress of technology advancement and commercial popularization of grid-connected clean renewable energy generation in China.

Offsets Made it Happen

Without funds from carbon offsets, reliance on fossil fuels would have continued in the project area, and avoidance of significant GHG emissions reductions would have not been possible.

Other Benefits of the Project


The project reduces the emission of harmful pollutants into the air resulting from the fossil fuel power generation industry in China, such as SO2 and NOx.


The project also creates local employment opportunities during the assembly and installation period of the electricity generation equipment, and the construction and operation period. The project will provide long-term work positions for locals.

Project at Glance

Project Type :

Solar Thermal - Electricity

Standard :

Location :

Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, P.R. of China

Estimated Annual Emission Reductions :

48,263 tonnes of CO2e

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