Two Small Hydropower Plants, Brazil

Small hydropower plants located in two regions in Southern Brazil provide electric power to the National Interconnected System, displacing thermal generation from fossil fuels with renewable energy. The hydropower plants help meet the growing energy demand in Rio Grande do Sul state and decrease external energy dependency, contributing to environmental sustainability.

How it works

These are run-of-the-river plants – meaning they do not include significant water storage (or large dams and reservoirs) and must, therefore, make complete use of the water flow. They are a clean and renewable energy source that presents minimal environmental impact.

The Engenheiro Ernesto Jorge Dreher SHP has an installed capacity of 17.95 MW and a new reservoir which in its higher water level occupies an area of 0.83 km2. The Engenheiro Henrique Kotzian SHP has an installed capacity of 13.230 MW and a new reservoir which in its higher water level occupies an area of 0.66 km2. The estimated amount of annual average GHG emission reductions is 37,372 tCO2e for a total of 377,318 tCO2e for the project timeline.

Offsets Made it Happen

Without the funds from carbon offsets, the construction of the two small hydropower plants would have not been feasible, and the regions would have continued to rely on greenhouse gas-emitting energy sources for electricity generation, contributing more to harmful pollution.

Other Benefits of the Project

  • Provides employment and income opportunities in the project area
  • Contributes to improved livelihoods by reducing fossil fuel-related pollution and the associated social costs

The project activity also diversifies the electricity generation sources and decentralizes the energy generation, bringing advantages to the area such as:

  • Increased reliability of electricity, less frequent and extensive interruptions
  • Lower requirements on the reserve margin
  • Higher quality power in the region and reduced losses on the power lines
  • Mitigation of the congestion in the transmission and distribution grid

Project at Glance

Project Type :

Energy Industries (Renewable/Non-renewable Sources)

Location :

Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil

Estimated Annual Emission Reductions :

37,327 tCO2e

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