Brazil Wind Project

This is a grouped project consisting of the implementation and operation of wind power plants in Brazil. By utilizing wind, the project replaces energy that otherwise would have been sourced through the combustion of fossil fuels. The estimated annual average GHG emissions reduction is 439,950 tCO2e, and the total GHG emissions reduction for the lifetime of the project is 4,399,508 tCO2e.

How it works

The project activity is a grouped project formed by the installation of grid-connected wind power generation. As a grouped project, it allows for several wind power plants to be included within one project – and a limited amount of new plants can be added, as long as they comply with the eligibility criteria set in the Joint Project Description Document. The project reduces GHG emissions by replacing electricity generated from fossil fuels, which would have emitted greenhouse gases.

Offsets Made it Happen

The clean and renewable electricity delivered to the Brazilian Interconnected System provides an important contribution to environmental sustainability by reducing carbon dioxide emissions that would have occurred in the absence of the project.

Other Benefits of the Project

Well Being

Combusting fossil fuels emit carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides which contribute to both smog and respiratory illnesses. Therefore, the utilization of wind turbines in place of fossil fuels not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also reduces the amount of smog in the region and contributes to improved air quality.

Sustainable Development

This project contributes to the sustainable development of the region as it sparks economic growth without compromising future generations. Sustainable development activities include:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the Brazilian Interconnected System
  • Providing extra income for landowners, while they can continue using the area for other activities, increasing and diversifying the land productivity
  • Stimulating the regional economy by increasing tax revenues for the local government and direct and indirect job opportunities for local workers and service suppliers
  • Increasing economic stimulus, which has a positive impact on local infrastructure such as roads, electricity transmission systems, and resources for education
  • Utilizing domestic suppliers will improve national technologies and domestic know-how – leading to more wind turbines being able to be produced and installed nationally.
  • Creating opportunities for education, professionalization, and employment

Project at Glance

Project Type :

Energy Industries (Renewable/Non-renewable Sources)

Location :

Piaui, Brazil

Estimated Annual Emission Reductions :

439,950 tCO2e

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