Our partners are offsetters – they are dedicated to taking meaningful steps towards real and immediate climate action.
Our designation program helps our partners differentiate themselves as climate leaders. Partners reduce their emissions and purchase offsets to achieve varying levels of carbon-management commitment. Companies, products, and events can be designated as ‘Climate Friendly’, ‘Carbon Neutral’, or ‘Climate Positive’.

Climate Positive Offsetters

Climate Positive partners have measured their carbon footprint for all Scope 1, 2 and material Scope 3 emissions sources – as well as immaterial Scope 3 emissions, if the data is easily accessible. All efforts to reduce significant sources of emissions have been made – or if the client is in the early stages of their carbon management program, they have set reduction targets and plans are underway to achieve them. These clients offset their full footprint each year, plus at least an additional 10% of emissions as a commitment to creating a positive and lasting impact on the environment.

Carbon Neutral Offsetters

Carbon Neutral partners have measured their carbon footprint from all Scope 1, 2 and material Scope 3 emissions sources – and immaterial Scope 3 emissions sources if the data is easily accessible. All efforts to reduce significant sources of emissions have been made – or if the client is in the early stages of their carbon management program, they have set reduction targets, and plans are underway to achieve them. All remaining emissions are offset—reducing their overall footprint to net-zero.

Climate Friendly Offsetters

Organizations with this climate designation have made significant reductions and/or offset a material emissions source(s) accounting for at least 25% of their GHGs.

Event Partners

Ostrom Climate works with organizations that have made a commitment to reduce the environmental impacts of their events. To date we’ve helped over 100 individual events qualify for our climate designation. See our event partners below:

Partners’ Projects

We are always excited to partner with organizations committed to innovation. To learn more about some of our partners and the work we have done with them, take a look at our partners’ projects.
Learn more about how you can be a climate leader.