Clean Technology and Industrial Innovation

5 Fuel Switch Projects

Canfor implemented five Sawmill Fuel Switch Projects that reduced GHG emissions from natural gas consumption at commercial sawmills through the operation of a heat-energy system that utilizes residual biomass feedstock. The projects were implemented at the Elko, Fort St. John, Mackenzie, Prince George, and Chetwynd Sawmills. Carbon offset funds enabled the sawmills to install a system that uses the waste product from the mill’s operations to create energy.

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Aratu Fuel Switch Project

The Aratu Biomass Cogeneration Fuel Switch Project was developed by strategic partners Energias Renováveis do Brasil (ERB) and the Dow Chemical Company. Emissions reductions were realized through the switching from a natural gas fuel source to a biomass fuel source sourced from verified sustainable eucalyptus farms. The project was developed under the Dow-Rio 2016 Organizing Committee Carbon Partnership.

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