UNEP DTU Partnership

Beginning in 2016, the UNEP, in collaboration with the Danish Technical University (DTU), enlisted NatureBank to lead in the design of financial products and mechanisms for Peru’s Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) for coffee producers.

Our Involvement

Beginning in 2016, the UNEP, in collaboration with the Danish Technical University (DTU), enlisted NatureBank to lead in the design of financial products and mechanisms for Peru’s Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) for coffee producers.


NatureBank developed green, micro-financial products that used results-based finance to incentivize adopting climate-smart agricultural practices among smallholder coffee producers. As a result of this output, NatureBank engaged with MINAGRI (Peru’s Ministry of Agriculture) and Agrobanco (Peru’s state agrarian financial institution) in the design of a rollout targeting an initial 6000 coffee producers, leveraging results-based finance and mobile data management to incentivize the landscape-level transition to climate-smart coffee production in Peru.

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