Quadra Island Forestland Conservation Project

Quadra Project

The project is located on Quadra Island, in the South Coast region of British Columbia. For nearly 20 years, BC Parks was in negotiations with the private landowners to purchase a 417.9 hectare (ha) area. In 2014, the project area was finally purchased by BC Parks, with carbon finance providing the final funds required for purchase. As a result, the project area is protected from all future logging and residential development. Conservation ensures the continued protection of several special features identified in the area. These include remnant Coastal Western Hemlock Western Very Dry Maritime (CWHxm2) second-growth forests, unique water and land-based recreation values, connectivity between two existing parks, and important cultural values.

Our Involvement

Ostrom Climate secured carbon financing to complete the purchase of the project and enable protection as a BC Park. In addition to managing the development of the project design document, they also organized the third-party audit processes that made for successful validation, verification, and issuance of verified carbon offsets. Development of project design included inventory design and implementation, quantification of carbon scenarios, evaluation of risk and leakage, and a full write-up of all protocol-required design elements.


As a direct result of this project and carbon financing that Ostrom Climate secured, the site was successfully acquired and converted into a BC Park.

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